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True benefits of a quiet hand dryer

Nothing says sophistication in a washroom more than high performing hygienic quiet hand dryers, especially when they have a significantly lower sound output than customers’ might be used to. It’s surprising how simple ambience and a pleasant method to dry one’s hands after visiting the bathroom in a restaurant, bar or workplace can heighten the overall experience of the visit.

For this very reason, quiet hand dryers as well as odour control hand dryers seem to offer the most innovation and command most attention in hand drying for 2018. Quiet hand dryer’s low carbon footprint and ample drying capabilities combine with some of the most stylish external designs and the all-important low sound volume when in operation.

Quiet Hand Dryers

Don’t take our word for it, QuietMark has made a name for itself as the last word when it comes to low sound output in today’s electrical appliances. Although not all products are automatically put forward for QuietMark testing because of the fees involved, it’s clear they verify by neutral adjudication which products genuinely operate at required decibel levels to receive the coveted mark of approval and they offer a dedicated measure of quiet hand dryers.

Finding the right balance of power vs sound volume can be difficult when selecting your hand dryer. Not so long ago if you wanted a hand dryer to dry hands quickly you might have has to make do with something that sounds like a small rocket taking off in the wash room!

Today at HandyDryers we sell a range of quiet hand dryers which not only dry hands in a fast, economical and cleansing manner, they offer quiet hand dryer options which extend to the quietest hand dryer in the world.

Extra Quiet Badge – Our certification for quiet hand dryers

Quiet Hand dryer manufacturers measure sound levels in terms of decibels dB(A) at a distance of 1 metre, often in a sound proof chamber. This does not take into account the increase in noise when hands are positioned under or in the dryer or when the sound bounces off walls.

However, quiet mark (https://www.quietmark.com/about which has awarded a selection of the handy dryer units with their seal of approval) is tested in a real washroom environment and therefore able to take the real working impact of the noise levels into account. They subsequently give their QuietMark approval if the hand dryer has met the criteria on test. Now, it’s important to note that it does cost a significant amount of investment to test product with QuietMark so not all hand dryers on the market will have gone through the process. But, if you see the mark you’ll know it’s had the rigorous certification for you to buy with confidence.

Which HandyDyers have been given our Extra Quite Badge approval?

Gorillo Hand Dryer

Gorillo Ultra Hand Dryer

Amongst the quietest in the class of “hands-in” hand dryers is the Gorillo Ultra which is a state of the art machine incorporating waste water collection, HEPA filter and UV filter sterilisation. The Gorillo Ultra has most recently been chosen as the preferred hand dryer for the NEC in Birmingham where it has now been installed through every washroom in the whole facility.

Vulcan Hand Dryer

Vulcan Hand Dryer

Although not available to test at the time we have a superb addition to our high usage, ultra low noise range – the Vulcan is a modern 'V' shaped air blade designed dryer that is built to last. The hand dryer comes with all the latest features you would expect in a state-of-the art hand dryer that is made for high volume environments. In independent tests the Vulcan Hand Dryer was found to operate at 74.5 dBA so we are proud to include it in our quiet hand dryer range.

Which other hand dryers are among the quietest hand dryers you can buy?

Airbox V2 ECO quiet hand dryer

Despite the AirBOX V2’s fantastically low price, the quality of components used inside this dryer ensure that the unit runs effortlessly and offers the top-notch reliability that our customers rightly expect of our hand dryers.

  • Sound and Speed control for extra quiet settings
  • Eco function to switch off heat element and conserve energy
Video Airbox V2 ECO hand dryer

Airbox V2 ECO quiet hand dryer demonstration.

TOTO and others. summary

So, now you know all about which quiet hand dryers offer the quietest experience in your washroom, how do you put it into that into context and understand how noise levels may compare to your environment. For this the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) offers a great comparison.

Perceptions of Increases in Decibel Level:

  • Imperceptible Change 1dB
  • Barely Perceptible Change 3dB
  • Clearly Noticeable Change 5dB
  • About Twice as Loud 10dB
  • About Four Times as Loud 20dB

And don’t forget to check out our own quiet hand dryer range to see what decibel level a quiet hand dryer could have.

Are loud hand dryers really that bad?

The average person might think an overly loud hand dryer is no more than a temporary distraction to the comfort of using a washroom while they’re in a restaurant, shopping centre, school or workplace. To members of the public who have hearing impairment, autism, dementia or who are otherwise sensitive to excessive unpredictable noise, visits to the washroom can be a uncomfortable experience and even so much of an unpleasant experience because of noise that they must avoid using them altogether.

Academic studies show some loud hand dryers have the same noise levels as a pneumatic drill, not usually something you would go out of your way to endure, let alone if it meant you had to alter the settings on your hearing device or wait until the hand dryers were not in use to be able to use the bathroom. Almost ten million UK people suffer from hearing loss, and noise is the biggest single contributor.

Quiet hand dryers therefore not only make your washroom more pleasant for abled people, but make the space significantly more accessible to people who find loud unpredictable or unpleasantly loud noises a challenging environment to be in. Not to mention making an effort to protect future generations from exposure to excessive noise which we’ve become so accustomed to in contemporary culture.

There’s one more key area where loud hand dryers often also cause disruption and that’s outside the bathroom. Usually in larger developments outside the washroom is a communal area, between parking the car and walking through to the shops. On the edge of the baggage hall when you’re waiting to collect the luggage from your flight. Or, adjacent to a large office reception area. Too often the pleasant atmosphere in these spaces can become fractured sporadically and periodically but familiar thrust of hand dryers being operated nearby. You’d be surprised how much eliminating this noise can affect the conscious and unconscious mood of people using these areas.


More about TOTO - the quietest hand dryer in the world

Where some hand dryers roar, TOTO hand dryers whisper. Offering unrivalled power without demanding attention, TOTO hand dryers emit a gentle 54–58 dB of noise while operating. To the human ear, that’s about the same noise level as the gentle murmur of background conversation. The TYC424W hands-in hand dryer is the quietest hand dryer in the world; with the TYC604 and TYC324W just behind.

Despite their subtlety, TOTO hand dryers remain fierce. Swiping the skin of excess moisture within 10 seconds, TOTO ultra-quiet hand dryers are unsurpassed in their efficiency. Indeed, they’re some of the least costly dryers in the world to run.

Europe's most sought-after quiet hand dryer

Only seen in Europe's most sumptuous establishments, TOTO blade dryers instantly give luxurious washrooms the upper hand.

The preferred washroom brand of five-star hotels, luxury resorts and elite institutions, TOTO hand dryers are a relative newcomer to the European market – but they're already gracing some of the most enviable addresses in the world.

Some of the establishments benefiting from TOTO technology include:

  • Claridge's Hotel, London
  • The Louvre Museum, Paris
  • The Hurlingham Club, London
  • Hotel Park Hyatt, Zurich
  • The Komische Oper, Berlin

Installing a TOTO high speed hand dryer not only adds polish to your bathroom experience, it means yours is one of a highly select group of establishments providing such advanced facilities.

HandyDryers offers the best place to purchase revolutionary TOTO products in the UK Handy Dryers are proud to have been selected as one of TOTO's trusted UK suppliers, and we're the only supplier in the country to sell all three of TOTO's iconic hand dryers.

Toto quiet hand dryer range #totohanddryers

Featured Products

Gorillo Ultra

Gorillo Ultra Blade Hand Dryer with HEPA filter

£449.00 + VAT
more info
  • The Ultimate High Power Blade Hand dryer: 7 - 10 second dry time
  • HEPA filter with Internal UVC filter steriliser
  • Lowest Noise Output: Only 70dB
  • Stylish Contemporary Looks: digital countdown timer and midnight blue LED's
  • Latest ECO features: On/off Heat element switch and Hi/Low power switch.
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Vulcan Double Blade

Vulcan Dual V Blade Hand Dryer - Ultra Fast

£259.99 + VAT
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  • Ultra fast hand drying: 8 - 10 seconds
  • V Blade design: directs water away from user
  • Award winning quiet hand dryer: Operates at just 75 dB
  • Two Distinct Finishes: Brushed 304 stainless steel or Enamel Powder Coated (Black and White)
  • Supplied with HEPA filter
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Elerillo Quiet ECO Hand Dryer

Elerillo Quiet ECO Hand Dryer

£111.99 + VAT
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  • Ultra Low Noise; only 69 dB
  • 304 military grade Stainless Steel; mirror polished
  • ECO credentials; adjusts own heater power
  • Amazing Contemporary Looks; Small Footprint
  • Drying time 10-15s
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AirBOX V2 Sound Control Hand Dryer

AirBOX V2 Sound Control Hand Dryer

£144.99 + VAT
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  • Ultra small footprint
  • Brushed 304 stainless steel finish
  • Sound and Speed control for extra quiet settings
  • Eco function to switch off heat element and conserve energy
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