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We have revolutionised the world of hand dryers and developed individual and intuitive technologies to ensure they more efficient, cost effective, powerful, eco-friendly, and hygienic.

We also have leading technologies for public washroom odour control and sterilization, taking the electric hand dryer one step further to enhancing your working environment, restaurant, leisure facility, school, hospital, or public convenience.

Explore our extensive collection of electric hand dryers, suitable for every and any environment by searching the categories below, or scroll down to see our best sellers.

The best 4 hand dryers. The Choice Is Yours…

The Fastest

Kangarillo 2 ECO Hand Dryer is the definition of speed. Emitting a cyclone of fast-flowing air, it has a drying time of 8 seconds. Its dynamism makes it up to 4 seconds quicker than our original model.

Patterned with innovative and high-powered technology, it ensures the upgraded 600W motor delivers a speed of up to 245mph.

Kangarillo 2 ECO Hand Dryer

You can find out more about the Kangarillo 2 ECO hand dryer by clicking the link.

The Quietest  

Elerillo Quiet ECO Hand Dryer….SHHH, keep this one quiet! The Elerillo is part of our EQ low noise output range.

Due to the hand dryer’s wide nozzle design, the noise output is reduced to only 69 dB. Simultaneously maximising the airflow for optimum drying efficiency and sound reduction, making it the perfect addition to schools, nurseries and workplaces.

Elerillo Quiet ECO Hand Dryer

You can find out more about the Elerillo Quiet ECO Hand Dryer by clicking the link.

The Purest

Sterillo Germ Killing Hand Dryer. When it’s not drying hands, the Sterillo silently and continuously draws in bathroom air. It then treats the air with the same germicidal light commonly used to sanitise hospitals and care homes. The UVC light renders germs unable to perform vital cellular functions, killing them off.

Due to its air purification technology, the Sterillo Duo is the first and only hand dryer available that removes germs from bathroom air.

Sterillo Germ Killing ECO Hand Dryer

You can find out more about the Sterillo Germ Killing Hand Dryer by clicking the link.

The Cleanest

Gorillo Ultra Blade Hand Dryer with HEPA Filter. Twice the Cleanliness; Clean for you and the environment.

Thee Gorillo Ultra’s integrated UV-C lamps cast a sterilising glow over the hands as it dries them, rendering most bacteria and other harmful organisms, harmless.

Equipped to be self-cleaning, this model uses internal UV-C rays to sterilise the filter, maximising its ability to purify the air in your washroom.

It is the environments best friend. Gorillo Ultra is one of the most economical dryers in the world. Not only does its speedy drying time reduce your overall energy bill, the Gorillo Ultra also has the option to run at a lower 500W. 

Gorillo Ultra Blade Hand Dryer with HEPA Filter

You can find out more about the Gorillo Ultra Blade Hand Dryer by clicking the link.


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