Heat Outdoors Heat Indoors Shadow Industrial Handy Dryers
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You are eligible for a price-match refund if your request meets the following conditions: The Handy Dryers refund guarantee applies only to internet retailers that have the identical product and/or goods in stock or service immediately available and the product, goods and/or service are priced accurately. Prices are compared on product price where comparisons include the product plus delivery charges when calculating the competitor's total price. The Handy Dryers refund guarantee does not apply when you use coupons, promotional offers. The Handy Dryers refund guarantee is limited to up purchases made in the United Kingdom.

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Kangarillo 2 ECO Hand Dryer - Stainless Steel

£164.99 + VAT
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  • Ultra fast hand drying: 10 - 15 seconds
  • Powerful airflow: 65 metres/second
  • ECO air sensor: Auto heat adjustment
  • Automatic hand dryer with touch free operation
  • 4 Colours - Polished or Brushed stainless steel or Enamel Powder Coated (Black and White)
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Gorillo Ultra

Gorillo Ultra Blade Hand Dryer with HEPA filter

£449.00 + VAT
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  • The Ultimate High Power Blade Hand dryer: 7 - 10 second dry time
  • HEPA filter with Internal UVC filter steriliser
  • Lowest Noise Output: Only 70dB
  • Stylish Contemporary Looks: digital countdown timer and midnight blue LED's
  • Latest ECO features: On/off Heat element switch and Hi/Low power switch.
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Sterillo Hand Dryer

Sterillo Duo Germ and Virus Killing Hand Dryer

£275.00 + VAT
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  • Washroom Air Sanitisation. Destroying germs and Viruses 24/7: UK Government Tested
  • The Dorchester Hotel (London): Sterillos' made "a huge difference to the atmosphere, there are now no unpleasant odours at all"
  • Ultrafast Hand dryer: 10 - 12 second dry time
  • Free EasyClean wall Splashback panel in 304 Stainless Steel
  • No need to use air fresheners: Bad washroom smells safely removed
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Sanillo Automatic Hand Sanitiser

Sanillo Automatic Hand Sanitiser

£18.00 + VAT
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  • Automatic Hand Sanitiser dispenser
  • Infrared sensor with adjustable sensing distance
  • 304 stainless steel; LED indicator
  • Cylindrical design, lock system on top to avoid being misuse
  • Works with all types of sanitisation fluid, such as alcohol, alcohol gel or liquid sanitiser.
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